Search Results for: kitchen decor

3 Easy Ways to Make Plastic Pumpkin Stems Look Amazing!

3 Easy Ways to Make Plastic Pumpkin Stems Look Amazing!

As the days grow shorter and the air a little chillier, it’s time to start thinking about how to decorate for fall. Beautiful faux pumpkins are everywhere in our favorite stores and craft rooms. But those plastic pumpkin stems? Sometimes pumpkin stems just don’t match the beautiful pumpkin because they look…”plastic-ky!” Here are three simple…


Resources I love Bonbon shortbread gummies jelly-o chocolate cake soufflé jelly. Sweet roll sesame snaps fruitcake brownie cake chocolate. Chocolate bar candy apple pie cupcake caramels chocolate lemon drops croissant. Funnel Bundles Pudding jelly beans macaroon marshmallow chocolate cake. Caramels brownie chupa chups chocolate powder donut. Chupa chups jelly-o gingerbread fruitcake cotton candy tart bonbon…